Friday, October 21, 2011

"Aliens" (1986)

As much as I love Alien, its sequel is just as good-- if not better.  Aliens is a terrific sci-fi thriller directed by none other than James Cameron.  When Ripley arrives at Earth after tons of years of floating through space in an ageless sleep, she discovers that not only is her daughter long dead, but also that a whole slew of people are occupying the planet where she originally discovered the alien.  Of course, they have now lost contact with the planet, and force Ripley to go to the colony to face the entire race of evil space creatures.
(Photo Credit)
While you can't watch it instantly, you can still rent Aliens from Netflix.  You can also purchase it directly from Amazon (I found mine at a Goodwill, but that's a whole other story).  In the meantime, check out this rad trailer:

P.S. A lot of people seriously questioned the decision to replace original director Ridley Scott with newcomer James Cameron.  At the time of filming, The Terminator, Cameron's first hit, had yet to be released.  The assistant director had to be fired because of his hostile attitude towards Cameron.

P.S.S. One of the eggs from Aliens is actually displayed at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.