Monday, October 31, 2011

"Don't Deliver Us from Evil" (1971)

Don't let the cheesy title fool you, folks-- Don't Deliver Us from Evil is a classic example of French exploitation film at its finest.  While it has a long, eloquent French title that I am too lazy to type, it deals with a, shall we say, basic storyline?  Two 14 year old girls, who happen to be BFF's, attend Catholic boarding school in France.  Being rebellious youth, they dedicate themselves not to God, but to Satan-- they even write to him in their journals! As summer approaches, they attempt to get into all sorts of mischief, particularly regarding sexuality.  However, when one attempt goes too far, they know their innocence is gone forever.
(Photo Credit)
Not gonna lie-- I own this film and if you want to as well buy it on Amazon.  Unfortunately, it is not even available on Netflix yet-- however, save it to your que!  In the meantime, check out the scene below:

P.S. This film is loosely based on the Parker-Hulme murder in New Zealand around 1954.  Check out Heavenly Creatures for a more accurate portrayal of the crime.

P.S.S. Don't Deliver Us from Evil was actually banned in France for blasphemy.  Beat that, future horror films....