Thursday, October 6, 2011

"My Bloody Valentine" (1981)

My Bloody Valentine is a movie that is more about blood and violence than roses and chocolate.  20 years before the film begins, a terrible mining accident took place on Valentine's Day.  The only survivor, a miner named Harry, kills the security guard who let the accident occur, and vows to kill anybody who ever throws a V-Day party again.  20 years later, a bunch of teens decide to throw a party anyway, and pretty soon Harry returns (or at least somebody posing as Harry), mining gear and all....
(Photo Credit)
Rent My Bloody Valentine from Netflix, or buy it from Amazon.  Not gonna lie, I totally have this film myself in my collection.  Check out the following trailer in the meantime:

P.S. Most of the film's mining scenes were shot in real coal mines-- 900 feet underground!  They had to use extra safety precautions to properly shoot these scenes.

P.S.S. During the filming of My Bloody Valentine, the director never told anybody who the killer actually was until the very end.  Talk about suspense!