Friday, October 14, 2011

"Red Riding Hood" (2011)

Okay, so apparently I've been on a pretty heavy werwolf kick as of late.  Frankly, though, they are the most underrated horror movie monster-- we see vampires being cool and sophisticated, zombies being disgusting and in drones... poor werewolves!  What do they get?  Well, in Red Riding Hood, which is a retelling of the classic fairy tale, a vicious werwolf begins to attack the villagers, violating a treaty made long ago where they give them plenty of fresh meat in exchange for not being killed.  For some reason, it has targeted Amanda Seyfried, and she runs around in her red cape trying to figure out who the werewolf is and what it really wants....
(Photo Credit)
You can rent Red Riding Hood from Netflix, or you can scoop it up at a pretty good price from Amazon.  Check out the trailer below before you spend valuable money or Que space:

P.S. Apparently, Taylor Lautner was considered for the role of one of Amanda Seyfried's suitors.  Thank goodness that didn't pan out (no offense, Taylor-- your abs are great but your acting is pretty weak)....