Monday, December 12, 2011

"Carrie" (1976)

Whenever you hear the phrase, "Pull a Carrie," you can assume they are talking about one thing-- embarrassing a nerdy girl by the use of pig blood on prom night.  This is the exact premise of Brian De Palma's cult classic Carrie.  Based on the novel by Stephen King, the story revolves around a bullied, mousy girl named, appropriately, Carrie.  While two kind-hearted students try to repent for their evil ways by showing Carrie a good time at prom, other popular kids have something entirely different in mind.  When you combine relentless bullying, an overzealous religious parent, and a slew of telekinetic powers, well.... you'll just have to watch, won't you?
(Photo Credit)
You can watch Carrie instantly on Netflix, or you can buy the classic from Amazon.  Make sure to check out the clip below:

P.S. Even though this is a well-known piece of trivia, the pig's blood dropped on Carrie's head was actually karo syrup and red food coloring.  Yum!

P.S.S. Tons of actresses were considered for the title role before Sissy Spacek.  Melanie Griffith, Linda Blair, and Farrah Fawcett all auditioned for it.  Before Sissy Spacek's husband, who was the art director for the film, convinced director De Palma to see his wife's screen test, he was set on Amy Irving for the title role.  Later, she was bumped down to a smaller role and Carrie went to Spacek.