Monday, December 5, 2011

"Twisted Nerve" (1968)

Before a month ago, I had never heard of Twisted Nerve.  Although we see a lot of its influence over horror and film (the whistle song from Kill Bill?  Originally from Twisted Nerve!), it is a relatively unknown British thriller.  I first watched this film because I heard that American Horror Story, my favorite TV show right now, based a lot of the character Tate on Twisted Nerve's main character.  Martin is a rich, sociopathic Mama's boy who, although he happens to be very good looking, wants nothing more in life than to have a free ride.  When his step-father gives him an ultimatum, Martin does what any 20-something would do: he fakes moving away, befriends a sexy librarian (Hayley Mills, of all people!), and soon passes himself off as "Georgie," a mentally challenged man.  While the librarian and her family take him in, the lines become blurred between Martin and Georgie, which prompts the viewers to wonder if Martin is truly faking his other personality....
(Photo Credit)
Unfortunately, you can't really find Twisted Nerve around-- not even on Netflix!  However, you can buy a copy really cheap from Amazon, which is what I did.  Trust me, I have no regrets on this purchase, ladies and gents.  In the meantime, check out the trailer below:

P.S. The whistling theme from Twisted Nerve was recently popularized by Quentin Tarantino in Kill Bill: Volume I.

P.S.S. Not gonna lie-- this film can be a wee bit offensive due to its views on "mongolism," which is an outdated, offensive term for Down's Syndrome.  The producers even insisted on having a disclaimer at the beginning of the movie stating that there is no known connection between "mongolism" and psychopathology.  Yikes....