Saturday, October 29, 2011

"Martin" (1977)

If you asked George A. Romero, right now, what his favorite film that he made is, what would you guess? Night of the Living Dead (my guess, FYI)?  Dawn of the Dead?  Nah-- instead, it's Martin, a psychological thriller of sorts that deal with vampires, not zombies.  Martin is a young, deranged man who believes that he is a vampire.  He knocks his victims, usually hot young women, out with a syringe full of narcotics, slices them up, and drinks their blood.  Fun times, eh?  When he goes to live with his superstitious granduncle, he attempts to hide his urges.  Needless to say, Martin is not quite successful.....
(Photo Credit)
Martin can be rented via Netflix or you can buy it directly from Amazon.  Before you do, however, check out the official trailer:

P.S. Romero originally wanted this film to be shot in black and white for more ambiance.  His producers, however, insisted that it be in color so that more people would want to see it.

P.S.S. This movie was originally 2 hours and 45 minutes long.  Romero was forced to cut it down.