Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Poltergeist" (1982)

"They're heeeeeere...."

Seriously.  Am I the only one who gets goosebumps when I hear this phrase?  Thanks to Poltergeist, a film directed by Tobe Hooper (of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre fame) and written by Steven-frickin'-Spielberg, millions of people worldwide now fear snowy television sets, scary clown dolls, and closets that suck you into another life.  When the Freeling family moves into a cheap ol' house (seriously, people need to read up on this real estate gimmick), they soon learn that their abode was built over an Indian burial ground.  Now, the spirits torment their family and even stole their youngest daughter, and the only person who can stop them is a little person with a loud, squeaky voice.....
(Photo Credit)
You can rent Poltergeist from Netflix or you can buy it from Amazon.  Know what else?  You can also check out this trailer:

P.S. The infamous Poltergeist house was an actual house in Simi Valley, California.  Apparently, it's not at all haunted, since the people who lived there during the filming still reside in it.

P.S.S. While Poltergeist is technically directed by Tobe Hooper, the film cast and crew state that Steven Spielberg actually directed the majority of the film.  Since he was directing E.T. at the same time, he had a clause in his contract that disallowed him from directing any other film at the same time.  Therefore, I guess you could call him a "backdoor director."

P.S.S.S. There is speculation that a "Poltergeist curse" exists.  Heather O'Rourke, who played the youngest child, died at the age of 12 from congenital intestinal stenosis.  Dominique Dunn, who played the oldest sister, was sadly murdered by her boyfriend the same year the movie was released.  Oliver Robins, who played the brother, also almost died on the set from being choked by the clown doll.  When his face finally turned blue, Steven Spielberg rescued him.