Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Phantasm" (1979)

Just when you thought that funeral homes couldn't get any creepier, Phantasm adds a whole new, bizarre level of horror.  This film is a classic among horror fans, and involves a young boy who stumbles upon a creepy dude with some extraordinary powers at a funeral.  Known only as Tall Man, he has a tendency to reanimate the dead into elf-like creatures for eternal slavery.  Oh yes-- he also has some cool toys, like balls (don't get any ideas, you dirty-minds out there) that can project spikes into a victim, living or dead....
(Photo Credit)
Phantasm is available for rent on Netflix. However, if you're like me, you can also buy it from Amazon for nearly nothin'.  In the meantime, enjoy this preview:

P.S. The original running time was 3 hours long-- yikes!  Needless to say, some smart guy estimated that 3 hours is about 1 1/2 hours too long for an average horror geek's attention span.  They cut it down substantially.

P.S.S. This is infamous for the Tall Man's favorite torture device, a silver sphere that protruded spikes.  They actually were thought up by director Don Coscarelli, who said that the idea came to him in a dream.  The craftsman in charge of making the spheres sadly passed away before the movie was released.