Tuesday, October 11, 2011

"The Thing" (1982)

I'm super excited to see The Thing in theaters this Friday.  However, I'm slightly disappointed, too, since I am a die-hard fan of the original.  Before the remake, John Carpenter directed The Thing, a film set in the Antarctic.  When an innocent-looking dog arrives at the scentists' campsite, a vicious alien creature is unleashed on the unsuspecting fellows, which include Kurt Russell.  It can take anybody's form after murdering them, and the men who are left are constantly wondering which one of them is "the thing."
(Photo Credit)
You can watch The Thing instantly on Netflix, or you can buy it directly from Amazon (this is on my wish list!).  Check out the cool preview:

P.S. While this is the predecessor for The Thing (2011), this is actually a remake of The Thing from Another World (1951).

P.S.S. According to director John Carpenter, who is famous for Halloween, this film is actually his personal favorite.