Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Drive Thru" (2007)

I'm honestly not sure which is scarier: a demonic killer clown or the greasy fast food it tries to sell.  While I think I'd fear the crappy food more, Drive Thru is a movie that gets its scare factor from Horny, an appropriately named clown from fast food joint Hella Burger.  When he's not killing bratty Orange County teens, he is stalking Mackenzie, a punk rock teenager played by Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester.  While it's definitely not an Oscar-worthy flick, Drive Thru is campy, fun, and has Penn Badgley-- it could be worse.
(Photo Credit)
Rent Drive Thru from Netflix or buy it straight from Amazon.  Regardless, if you love silly, bloody horror movies, you won't be disappointed.  Still not convinced? Check out this trailer:

P.S. Going with the fast food theme, Super Size Me director Morgan Spurlock makes a cameo appearance as a manager of Hella Burger.  Can we say ironic?

P.S.S. The town where all this carnage is occurring is called "Blanca Carne."  It means "white meat" in Spanish.