Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Rec 2" (2010)

In the original Rec (which is a classic, wonderful zombie flick, I might add), viewers witnessed an apartment complex become quarantined by the government and all the people inside of it turned into zombie-like creatures, with one exception-- a journalist who was dragged by her feet in a dingy attic by some unidentified creature.  While I will refrain from commenting too much (and possibly spilling major spoilers), I will say that Rec 2 picks up where its predecessor left out, with a bunch of government agents examining the remains of the apartment complex.  Add in a dash of spirituality and you have yourself a nice, thoughtful sequel.

You can purchase Rec 2 from Amazon or rent it via Netflix-- either way it is an entertaining flick, especially for Rec fans.  In the meantime, get a load of this teaser:

P.S. The lead actress, who was in the original film, actually wore the exact same clothes she did in the first film-- talk about some pit stains, right?