Monday, October 24, 2011

"The Brood" (1979)

Oh, psychologists-- from the ink blot test to "re-birthing" techniques, what will they think of next?  Well, while I happen to follow cognitive-behaviorism, in The Brood an unconventional psychologist named Dr. Raglan takes this idea to the next level.  When the husband of one of his patients begins to suspect something strange a-brewin' (oh, like murderous children that emerge from his wife's psyche), he sets out to investigate what exactly is occurring.  Since this film is directed by the infamous David Cronenberg, I'll let you all guess what happens next.....
(Photo Credit)
You can rent The Brood from Netflix or you can pick up a copy from Amazon.  Regardless, make sure to watch the following trailer:

P.S. This film has received great reviews from film critics over the years.  However, director Cronenberg had to censure several scenes, especially one where the main character gives birth to an inner-child and then licks it clean.  Is it just me or is that actually not a bad thing?