Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"The Dentist" (1996)

As if we all needed any more excuses to avoid the dentist's office.... When Dr. Feinstone, a well-off dentist, discovers that his wife is having an affair with the gardener, he finally snaps.  Between sexually assualting a patient in his dental chair to torturing innocent braces-clad teenagers, he finally enacts his revenge using tools that we unfortunately see once or twice a year.... or more if we don't floss enough (I mean, does anyone ever floss enough?).  The genius of this film is that it employs something we already fear (i.e. dental instruments) and brings them to torture status.... other than that, it's just some plain ol' gory fun, folks.
(Photo Credit)
If you feel like having a cavity-infested nightmare, The Dentist is available to watch instantly on Netflix.  If you want to have your very own copy, however, you can also buy a copy from Amazon.  In the meantime, who's in the mood for a crappy trailer from the 90's?

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P.S. Think this film is entirely fiction?  Think again! Glennon Engleman was an infamous dentist who also moonlighted as a hitman.  He eventually passed away in 1999 at the age of 71.  Apparently, his real passion was being a sociopath, not a dentist.