Friday, December 9, 2011

"Milo" (1998)

I'm constantly amazed at what crazy stories horror filmmakers come up with.  Luckily for us, the creator of the Oscar-worthy Anaconda (oh, I jest) also came up with Milo.  The story revolves around a young, deranged doctor's kid, Milo, who likes to wear a yellow jacket and talk in a raspy voice.  When he convinces five neighborhood girls to examine his father's at-home OB/GYN office (nothing demented there, eh?), he murders one of them in the operating chair.  With stirrups.  20 years later, the surviving girls have aged gracefully, but are shocked, when they come to visit their hometown, that Milo has not.  He still is a demonic little brat who wants them all dead.
(Photo Credit)
There are tons of options to get your Milo-on: you can watch it instantly on Netflix, for free on Youtube, or you can just buy it from Amazon.  So many options!  You should probably check out the trailer below to help make your decision. WARNING: I could NOT find this trailer in English, so I had to settle for a very poor quality trailer. My apologies, folks.

P.S. Although this film is deemed to be pretty poor in terms of originality or scare factor, it definitely has its moments.  For instance, if you look closely you can spot Mila Kunis making her film debut as a student in the classroom.