Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Rosemary's Baby" (1968)

If you haven't heard of the film Rosemary's Baby, then I suggest you turn away from this post, because I will tell you exactly what the movie is about: Satan.  That's right, folks.  When a young, hip couple move into a shady apartment complex, they are thrilled to find out that they are pregnant.  However, as Rosemary's bump begins to grow, so do the strange occurrences around her-- people die, nightmares occur, and the neighbors are all too friendly.  Soon, Rosemary learns that a paternity test may be in order for her previous bundle of joy....
(Photo Credit)
You can rent Rosemary's Baby from Netflix or you can just buy it from Amazon.  Make sure to check out the following clip below, as well:

P.S. There were several rumors floating around that Anton LaVey, the Church of Satan founder, actually played Satan in one of the scenes.  However cool that would be, it was unfortunately false.  Boo.

P.S.S. Rosemary's Baby was director Roman Polanski's first American film, as well as his first non-original script.  Many people say this film stays true to the book more so than any other movie ever made-- this was likely due to the fact that Polanski didn't know he could stray from the book in the script.